Feedback From Students

I have served over 250 music composers & producers 1 on 1. Here is just a small sample of the hundreds of screenshots and growing videos I've received from students. I'd love nothing more than to include you in this list. ❤️

Wale: From stuck & unable to finish songs to finishing multiple songs and hearing people tell him his music sounded professional.

“I would definitely recommend mentoring to struggling producers. I actually finished full songs. In the other programs I tried I still couldn't finish any songs. You actually helped me identify my workflow. The proof is in the pudding - this is the first time anybody has ever said my music sounded professional. I never got that type of feedback before. That alone has made this pay for itself, and made me realize how worth it this whole process has been."

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Omar: From confused about how to finish “sync-able” songs for the music licensing business, to a music finishing machine getting consistent paid placements.

“Avery has helped me find a place in the industry. I’m now getting consistent placements on TV. If you’re ready to put in the work then he can do the same for you. ” 

When Omar came to me he was a passionate music producer who was very serious about getting into the sync / TV licensing world, but felt like he was stuck. He was spending most of his time learning from YouTube and courses, but still couldn’t get the answers he needed.

After working together for a few months, his track quality skyrocketed, he started finishing much more commercial tracks quickly, and he started connecting with music libraries like a pro.

Today, he is working with libraries and landing consistent paid placements. Way to go, Omar!

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Justin: From confused about how to finish professional tracks or attract clients to building an impressive demo reel & landing his first paying music client.

“Working with you was the missing piece. I now have more fun, and feel confident in my production & career direction. This was more impactful than my entire college experience, and a hell of a lot cheaper. I gained more momentum in 2 months than in my previous years.”

Justin is a 10+ year musician and composer. Before working with me, he felt overwhelmed and confused about how to finally take his productions to a professional level, and how to attract client work. Specifically, he wanted to compose for video games.

After only a few months of working together, he is now finishing songs consistently, building an impressive demo reel, posting on social media in a way that will attract clients, and has even landed his first paid gig!

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Thomas Anthony: A 10 Year Beatport charting producer who wanted to reach a larger audience through more accessible melody & chord composition.

“Avery is a badass with music theory and knows very well how to teach it. I finished 3 songs working with him, one that I was stuck on for over a year. He gave me a “key” to a door I was trying to unlock for years, and it was amazing.

If you’re a producer, melodies & harmonies are the key for getting people to listen to your music over and over, and I can’t recommend Avery enough. He will push you to grow your skills.”



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Joe: Classically trained pianist aspiring to produce professional music for games & music libraries.

“The growth I’ve seen working with Avery has been incredible. Even as a professional, Avery met me where I was at, helped my production, and even challenged me in areas that I thought I had down.

I landed my first game client in less than 4 months directly from the advice he gave me. If you want to work with someone who gives you their time and attention, and cares about your results, I can’t stress enough working with Avery.”

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Peppy: From confused about writing commercial-quality chords and melodies to finishing awesome melodic EDM tracks.

When Peppy came to me, he had already worked with a previous mentor who helped him with his sounds, but he was still lost when it came to music theory and songwriting. So together we dug apart his favorite songs, and showed him exactly how to write music in the same styles, but in HIS way. Now he is churning out awesome songs that sound amazing!

“Avery has helped me grow tremendously as a producer and artist. If you want to understand music theory for the music you want to make, Avery is the man. I highly suggest it, it’s worth the money.”

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More candid feedback from students during training sessions.

Did you know I've worked with over 250 music composers & producers 1:1?

In this time, I've seen it all!

If you're ready, I'd love to help diagnose what is helping you back, and help you pave a realistic, action-oriented path towards your dreams.


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Feedback from Tyler Cline - Music Composer / Producer

I approached Avery about lessons because I was struggling in both my production and compositional skills as well as my approach to the music business. Avery had a reputation for success in the music business in ways that were smart and entrepreneurial, not trying to land a lucky home run with music.

The first session was nerve-wracking to begin as I was worried I would be revealed as a total hack! However, Avery could not have been more supportive and uplifting and he simply got a good understanding of my experience, skills, and tools. He was also candid in the areas that I needed to improve and talked me through a plan of how we could begin working on it.

As the lessons went on I saw that Avery’s style of focusing on specific areas was working. My tracks were becoming more listenable, more exciting, more professional, and more marketable. Every lesson built on the last and I never felt like we wasted any time together.

The best part of my time with Avery was his willingness to discuss not just the music, but business, workflow, and even the mindset of artistry. I felt that not only was I a better composer, I was much more prepared to take tangible and real steps towards a life of music.

I still have a lot of work to do, but Avery easily shaved of 3 years of trial and error in the world of composing and the music business. I feel like I can actually take those first steps confidently instead of floundering and wondering where to begin!

I would recommend Avery to ANYONE making music. If you only want to work in a certain discipline or genre, chances are Avery knows how to help you improve in that area. If you want to grow in music as self-expression, Avery is your guy. If you want to grow in marketability and the ability to make a living with music, Avery can get you there.

Get Results-Focused 1:1 Help. Start Taking Action That Can Transform Your Life Around Music.

  • Consistent 1:1 feedback from a professional to help you start finishing music to commercial standards.
  • Finish real-world music briefs to challenge your skills, prepare you for clients / libraries, and give you material to show off to attract future work. (Most students finish at least 3 songs during this process.)
  • Create an authentic "show up" plan that will be built around you, and will make getting your first clients & placements inevitable.

Please note that I cannot work with everyone, and will always be honest with you if I feel I would be able to help you or not. That is why I offer free strategy calls to all potential students. I want to meet you, give you advice, and if it seems like a fit, make you an offer. At that point, it will be up to you.

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