Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Music Producer

Estimated Reading Time: 9 Minutes

Do you ever feel like an imposter?

Like you don't deserve to share your music?
That your music isn't good enough?
Do you downplay any of the successes that you have had?
This might be imposter syndrome.
We all deal with it. I know I have.
In my student sessions, one of the most common mindset issues is people not wanting to release or share their music because they think it’s not ready or not good enough...
...which stems from the deeper fear that if they DO share, someone out there might "call them out" for being a faker... not good enough...
...not "worthy" of taking up space with their music.
Yet, sharing their music is often the exact thing they need to be doing!
This is the essence of imposter syndrome.
It's a belief that what you've done isn't good enough, or that you don't deserve the success you have gained.
That at any moment, someone is going to point their finger and say "Hey, you're a BIG FAT PHONY!"
Moving through imposter syndrome can be challenging. But something that might help is knowing that everyone, at all levels, deals with it in their own way.
Because it never goes away. No matter how "successful" you get. It just shifts what its focus is.
Because that's what imposter syndrome is, by its very nature.

It's your ego protecting you from the perceived danger of your peers tearing you down - so you do it to yourself instead.

So knowing how to recognize it in yourself, and how to keep moving through it, is critical.
So today, I wanted to share with you some of my OWN imposter syndrome. And after reading this, I encourage you to work at recognizing YOURS, and then consciously moving through it anyway.
So to set the stage, let me share some of my "Achievements."
  • I've finished hundreds of commercial-level productions in various styles. (EDM, Trap, Rock, Orchestral, etc.)
  • Earned over 6 figures directly from my music (not including teaching or courses.)
  • Consistently produced music for professional DJs that I've seen get played out to festivals and clubs.
  • Sold over 10,000 licenses of music as stock.
  • Released music with industry publishers like Universal and landed over 1,000 background music placements on TV.
  • Over 2 million collective streams / listens on my personal music.
  • Received hundreds of unsolicited positive messages from people around the world who love my music, even getting a message from a couple who got married to one of my songs, "Feeling Great."
  • 5 star rated Fiverr Pro profile.
  • Crafted custom music for large brands like Volkswagen and large games like Mobile Legends Bang Bang.
  • Won 2 indie awards for music & received NY State Senate recognition for music.
  • Taught over 1,000 1:1 training sessions to music producers and helped them overcome blocks, improve their skills and start careers.
  • Created multiple music courses with overwhelmingly positive feedback from students who take them.
  • Built up 2 social medias (TikTok & Instagram) to over 50,000 followers almost entirely on my compositions and empowering people with educational content.
Just looking at that list, it seems as though that's quite a bit of "success" - how could imposter syndrome still come from this?

Because no matter what you do, the ego will still play a trick on you... it will almost immediately ignore what you HAVE done, and shift focus back to all the things you HAVEN'T done.

  • don't work with industry legends like Hans Zimmer, Koji Kondo or Skrillex.
  • don't work with clients who pay me 6 figures for a score.
  • don't earn $30,000 a quarter in placement fees or royalties.
  • don't have a fancy college degree from a prestigious music school.
  • don't have a Grammy award.
  • don't have a Spotify with 1,000,000+ monthly listeners.
  • don't have a YouTube channel with 1,000,000+ subscribers.
  • don't have a long list of movie trailer placements.
Let's take a look at this for a second... these are just some of the things my ego brings up as the reason why I'm "still an imposter."
But this is a little ridiculous, isn't it?
Logically, I can see that it is outrageous to hold my "worthiness" to these standards.
And logically I also know that if I WERE to achieve any of these things, my Imposter Syndrome would simply shift the focus AGAIN to something else.
So emotionally... this is a battle that you will continuously fight.
Because despite all the things you DO achieve - that little Imposter Syndrome Demon is still on your shoulder, continually whispering his sweet nothings, reminding you of all the things you HAVEN'T done.
"Who do you think you are? You haven't made it yet. No one will take you seriously without a $50,000 placement. You need to work with more big names. You need to have more millions of listeners on your music. You need to earn more money. You need to have Skrillex on speed dial. You need 10 million followers. Shut up and sit back down! How dare you give advice or share your music! You aren't nearly good enough yet!"
This demon doesn't shut up.
He's a pretty huge jerk, actually.
And almost none of what he says is reasonable.
Yet, almost all of us will listen to this Demon... and unwittingly take its advice...
Until we learn how to recognize the voice, label it as the Imposter Syndrome Demon, and move through it anyway.
Because you have this demon too, don't you?
What does your demon say?
What do they demand of you?
What do they demand you DON’T do?
What does your demon say you LACK in order to be someone REAL?
Notice how when we listen to this voice, it always ends up in stopping you from being PROUD of what you HAVE done.
From sitting in the VALIDATION that you DESERVE simply because you SHOW UP and love doing something.

Because the raw truth is that you do NOT NEED TO ACHIEVE ANYTHING AT ALL in order to be WORTHY.

You know this is true. Even if you feel resistance to what I just said.
Because if the goal post of the Demon constantly changes... it will never be satisfied... which means that it is entirely smoke and mirrors.
Because the "master-level" achievement is already completed... by you just being you, and doing a thing you love to do. And you deserve to share it, take up space, and be proud, regardless of the outcome of the thing you've done - if you so choose.
Remember, despite what this demon says, MORE AND MORE is NOT always cool.

Just showing up and doing what you love, as often as you can, and ALLOWING the results of that to come your way.

Now that's cool.
No need to be anything you're not.
No need to validate yourself with tons of external achievements the Demon shouts you need.
If they come, that's great, but it's not necessarily the goal.
Just show up, do what you love, and openly share it.
Now THAT'S cool.
After all, that's all any of us really want from each other, isn't it?
Because let's be real...
I don't really care if you win awards.
I don't really care if you are a billionaire.
I don't really care if you have 10 million subscribers.
I just care that you are happy - to find the things you love to do, and share them.
And that's all you want from me too, isn't it?
Because despite how important my Demon says all those achievements are, I also know YOU don't actually care that much about them.
What you DO care about is insight I may be able to share in order to help YOU do the things YOU want to do.
So it's not the achievements that even matter - it's the PROCESS and sharing from it that matters.
It's the LOVE of the THING itself, for it's OWN sake, and just DOING it.
That's what matters.
Sitting with this understanding... it doesn't make the Demon stop his endless chatter... but it does help you smile and ignore his incessant ramblings.

So... I ask you - what is your demon saying that’s holding you back?

What is he saying you CAN’T do?
That you haven't EARNED THE RIGHT to do?
What wonderful things that you’ve done is he INVALIDATING?
I invite you to pay attention when he is speaking...
That voice isn't you.
And it doesn't determine your value.
Redefine what makes you GOOD ENOUGH.
Redefine your relationship with what FOLLOWING YOUR DREAMS means.
To show up and TRY new things.
To discover what you LOVE to do.
To SHARE it openly.
To live with CURIOSITY (not expectation) as to what this process might bring.
Because YOU and your VOICE (including your MUSICAL VOICE) is inherently valuable, and there IS space for it.
And when you embrace this, cool things can happen that you'd never expect... and all those things you used to "chase..."
...they might just show up in different ways you would have never expected.
And they'll come straight to you - no "chasing" required.

Remember, you have something valuable to share - as long as you approach from a place of authenticity - it is impossible to be an "imposter."

Don't let anyone - not your demon, or anyone else's - tell you otherwise.
Lets end with one simple, practical question:
Which outcome would you prefer?
-You listen to your Demon, and look back in 5 years at your huge collection of music projects sitting on your hard drive that no one ever heard...
-Or you recognize your Demon, and move forward anyway, to look back in 5 years and see a huge collection of music that you've released to the world, allowing it to exist, reach fellow humans, and create new relationships for you.
Your choice.
If you enjoyed this and are a music producer who's looking for fundamentals, consider my courses all about producing music with intention. http://empoweredmusicproducer.com/courses
I  guarantee you will find more immediately applicable wisdom in these courses than the next 6 months on YouTube. 

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